06 July 2006

The Kitten: Cloudy n Whitey

Cloudy: [I'm cute, don'tcha think? ;)]

Whitey: [What ya looking at! Thats my sister :p]

Hi hi hi so boring, so just post my 2 kittens here loh.. :p [This two cuties was given by my, Tok Tam.] Anyway, this two newbies in the house really need a lot of attentions. Taking the spotlight from me :(. Other than that, 3 months in the house, I can conclude that, Cloudy represent 'venus sign aka girls' have more anaroxia problem.. then Whitey represent 'mars sign aka boys' have more 'obbese'?'' problem.. "Ahh pening, next time I try to feed them separately. Aduh..."

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Mee Sabun?

This picture (advertisement menu) taken at roadside of Jalan Pasar. Near Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan Pasar. The chinese notation is correct as to pronouns soup. :p
Anyway, whoever see this might be thinking twice to try the mee, don't you think?
'Sabun FAB' in your mee... Uhhhh, gross :p just kidding.
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