30 August 2006

10 Reason why This Year Merdeka is the Lamest [Versi Melayu]

Writing this article in English doesn't mean I look stupid writing in Malay. Thus I rewritten this article in Malay to show my appreciation toward our national language.
"Versi translasi ke bahasa Melayu:

Boleh dikatakan Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia yang ke-49 adalah yang paling membosankan pernah berlaku. Mari meneliti punca penyebab mengapa ini berlaku. (psst: Ini adalah pendapat saya sepenuhnya)
{1} Perkahwinan terhebat tahun ini - Perkahwinan dalam taman antara Datin Siti Nurhaliza dan Datuk K pada 28 August 2006 lalu.
{2} Kebanyakan media bercerita tentang perkara {1}.
{3} Kekurangan program-program bertemakan kemerdekaan seperti yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun-thun sebelumnya. Hanya pada hari ini, kesemua saluran radio mengatakan mengenai Kemerdekaan Malaysia. Pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, keseluruhan bulan Ogos diisi oleh pengisian Merdeka.
{4} Datin Siti Nurhaliza tidak lagi menyanyikan lagu ari Allahyarham Sudirman "tanggal 31, Bulan 8, 57 ...." . [Merinduinya:(]
{5} Kurangnya warga Malaysia memasang bendera pada kereta seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Walaupun, pada tahun sebelumnya, bendera kecil ini di taja. :p
{6} Memasang bendera Malaysia di rumah hanya berlaku pada saat-saat akhir kemerdekaan. [Pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya: Ia berlaku pada awal bulan Ogos dan ada warga Malaysia yan memasang seawal bulan Julai].
{7} Pada malam kemerdekaan, selalunya diadakan konsert untuk warga Malaysia berkumpul di suatu tempat bagi memerhatikan persembahan bunga api yang menyayat hati sebagai tanda setahun lagi bumi Malaysia merdeka. Adakah orang muda ambil tahu? Saya sendiri memikirkan, pada masa inilah masa paling sesuai untuk mengucapkan "Saya Cinta Kamu" pada orang yang tersayang :p
{8} Perarakan selalunya diadakan pada 31 Ogos setiap tahun. Walaubagaimanapun, saya tidak berkemahuan untuk pergi melihat kerana aktiviti tersebut telah ditayangkan di televisyen. (Tetapi jika tonton pada hari yang panas terik, dapat memperlihatkan kecintaan kita kepada negara)
{9} Apakah maksud kemerdekaan pada generasi muda? Saya pun tidak mengetahuinya. Tetapi, jangan tak percaya, ada diantara mereka akan menjawab "Merdeka bermaksud mendapat kelulusan untuk perkahwinan homoksek di Malaysia"...... Percaya atau tidak? Pengertian kemerdekaan bagi generasi muda: Generasi muda akan mempunyai kuasa untuk bersuara tanpa disekat oleh sesiapa sahaja. (Tetapi berlandaskan undang-undang)
Tercatit adalah punca-punca kenapa Merdeka tahun ini terlalu membosankan. Walaubagaimanapun, inilah masa untuk melaungkan "AKU CINTA MALAYSIA" dan bukannya "AKU CINTA ANDA" sewaktu pertunjukan bunga api berlangsung.k. MERDEKA, MERDEKA,MERDEKA....<-takut tak boleh buat blog pada malam kemerdekaan{alasan ke-10}.
Sila beri perhatian: Semua tulisan yang di"BOLD"kan adalah maksud yang ingin disampaikan oleh penulis.
[Thanks to my side-kick [IRUL] to rewritten my article in Malay. Arigato gozaimas]

10 Reason Why This Year Merdeka is the Lamest

This year merdeka [49] is the lamest of all ever happen. Lets check the reason why? (psst: This is solely my opinion)

{1} Wedding of the year - Datin Siti Nurhaliza married to Datuk K on 28th August 2006
{2} Every media kept talking/writing about {1}.
{3} Lack of programme by the theme of Kemerdekaan this year as such of those years. Only by todays, every radio is talking of Kemerdekaan. Those years, the whole month of August was spared with Kemerdekaan.
{4} Datin Siti Nurhaliza did not have time to sing Allahyarham Sudirman song like those years when 31st August. [Miss it very much :(]
{5} Lack of Malaysian citizens pluggin the mini flag on their cars like those years. Although, most of those years, the mini flag was sponsored. :p
{6} Planting flag in house only happen at the end of the month not like those years. [Those years: in the beginning of August, some even put in July]
{7} On the night of Merdeka, Concert is organise solely for citizens to gather in one spot of each states to see the beautiful firework as a sign of another year of independant. But do youngsters care? I myself think, this is the best moment to say "I love you" to your love one :p
{8} Marching is organised on 31st August every year. But I didn't bother to watch it since tenth because you can watch it on TV :p Anyway, being there under the hot sun is a sign of loyalty to the country.
{9} What is the meaning of indepandant to the youngsters? :) I myself can't think of one. But do alert, you can get answers like "Gay Marriage is accepted by Malaysia". Do..... Alert! [Indepandant to youngster: The sign of belonging to the country where the youngsters have their right to say about their views without being bounded by anyone. (but as right by law ;p ) (as per-say on blogging :) )]

What ever the reason of why this Merdeka is so damn lame, it is really about time to say "I love you MALAYSIA" not "I love you honey" when you watching the beautiful firework, k. MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! <- PRESERVE if I can't make it to blog on Merdeka night! {10th reason}

psst: The flag is courtesy of flags.net

Take screenshot in Window Media Player

I'm so boring, so I made another background by utilising the animation screenshot [tips: when in Windows Media Player, click 'ctrl+i' to take screenshot] and 2 naruto fan arts. :) Take a look:
[psst: anyone wanna use this as the background, leave the tagging as it is, strip the tagging meaning you have violate copyright law :p]

27 August 2006

One More Night

Its been a while since I blog here. Nothing much change but I did a some work on testing of antivirus applications and the best security setup. Anyway, during my idle time, I want to build a nice background for my computer with theme "We love each other". As I am a fan of Naruto anime, I am in love of Naruto-Hinata fan art. I use this materials to build my background. Thanks guys [Naruto Hinata fan artists].
Take a look.

NarutoxHinata - One More Night
thanks to Lililola and the singer, Cascada
[Using the similar materials]