"He who possesses the highest knowledge with respect to one or another genus must be able to express the most certain principles of the relevant subject, so that he, who treats about Beings in so far as they are Beings, should be able to express the most certain principles of all things. This is the philosopher." Aristotle, Metaphysica, Gamma 3, 1005b8-11
27 June 2006
War against Malware never end
25 June 2006
HP [Malaysia] INVENT false advertisement
[Buy printer for RM9.99!! or other for RM99.99!!]
Date: 25 June 2006 (Sunday)
Time: 10am-6pm
Venue: Low Yat Plaza Entance
News: by http://www.lowyat.net/v2/ [The 1st to advertise in the web] -They to feel cheated.
Forum: http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?s=bd37d9248856543aaf4f58bfbad34ce6&showtopic=305654&st=40

24 June 2006
Personal Diary-Reminder [Kay-N]
Who fight who? [World Cup 16]
England vs Ecuador
Argentina vs Mexico
Portugal vs Holland
Italy vs Australia
Brazil vs Ghana
Switzerland vs Ukraine
Spain vs France
#Bold are the team I'm expecting to win in this round. Sorry England your team is not as good as others. Other team deserve better on their current performance.
Korea lost the place into top 16 :(
21 June 2006
[REVIEW:] YahooMessenger8.0 and WindowsMessengerLive8.0

no. 1: Can Search Buddies
no.2: Can Add Plug in. Many app. is going to be include in future. Good development.
no. 3: Can Search Web.
no.4: Can transfer files up to 1GB in this update.
Anyway, sharing file is host in Yahoo site.
Basically, Yahoo have out do Microsoft in IM by providing plug-in Mozilla style. ;)
So my answer to my previous question, I will use Yahoo Messenger 8.0. But in current time, I use both.
Heck, I wonder how will Microsoft progress with it Vista as we all know Apple will come up with Mac OS Leopard in the same period. The only advantage on Microsoft is the lack of users capability to on attitude to change environment. If this can be change, Microsoft will not monopolize the OS market. But what I really know, in my country, people are starting to switch on Mac and Linux. For me, I like Mac, and will introduce one to my sister soon. But obviously, what I think of having two OS on the same computer is like CONFUSING. Mac OS for creative user, Windows OS for gamers, Linux for power user. Combine both or more is awful. [IMHO]
Download site:
20 June 2006
Faster Web Surfing
19 June 2006
Britney Spears VS Hyori Lee
Do Some Thing Get Ya Remix
Credit to Avex for having a time to remix this video.
Anyway, it is a little havoc at the last scene because Britney and Hyori like challenging each other, who is better. No offence Britney, Hyori is sexier than you ;)
Korea vs France 1-1!
Any Korean to help me? ;)
This chanting become stronger each day. I just can't wait someday to hear "Malaysia Boleh". But I feel we need some improvement on the chanting. It just too simple and doesn't sound lively. Don't mind, don't mind. Go Asia!!!
This is the footage of Korean goal!
Psst: The girl in the video is non other than Hyori Lee, Korean Singer. She become more famous due to her song Get Ya which is compared to or plagarist of Do Something by Britney Spears. Later the song is taken out of label. Am I right? :)
18 June 2006
Create Havoc 'Virus' For Job Opportunity
My Wishlist [Diary by Kay-N]

17 June 2006
Mission Alpha: Searching for My Kingdom

16 June 2006
internet of future?
note: to view, you need flash player plug in.
15 June 2006
I'm happy ;) - Personal Diary [Kay-N]
BoA biography here!
She is Korean but make fame in Japan & Korea (too).