27 June 2006

War against Malware never end

It has been awhile I last encounter malware attack on my pc, last night was the latest. But it really don't worry me much, as I know I have many online malware scanners on my pc. So I could step back and let them do the job. OK, latest malware which didn't have a chance to intrude my pc:
Trojan.Galapoper.A seen in [www.inohost.com]<- Don't click this link. It downloaded file contain this virus will change win32.exe file in your pc.
This file was found and deleted by my antivirus as soon as the download done. At least I have this virus in my malware zoo ;)
Take note that, in this world, there is no free thing. Don't be so naive to think that freeware is really free and did not have some of drawback. Unless it is really proven like open source ware like mozilla, open office, to name few. There is malware behind this ware most of the time. I would like to share my experience on spyware. Last Sunday, I browse for free powerpoint template, and so attract to this site which provide what I need. It was so attractive because the template is so professionally done. "Who on Earth will not download this?" :p I downloaded it and after finish dowloaded it, the IE7 browser was turn into spyware site which of course my firewall didn't permit it. Thanks to my 3 layered firewalls + OS firewall [change monitoring], I still survive. Anyway, I do get that template anyway, without any malware. :D
So, I really recommend using ZoneAlarm Firewall Pro for those who are using XP and below. Vista? no need le... Microsoft develop similar safety features into their current Vista development. It would be nice if I get to touch on the features in the future.
Anyway, for safer download of software on the net, go to www.download.com. <-Proven no malware! [0%]

25 June 2006

HP [Malaysia] INVENT false advertisement

It was loud and clear, when HP [Malaysia] advertised its promotional event today. The event detail:

[Buy printer for RM9.99!! or other for RM99.99!!]
Date: 25 June 2006 (Sunday)
Time: 10am-6pm
Venue: Low Yat Plaza Entance


News: by http://www.lowyat.net/v2/ [The 1st to advertise in the web] -They to feel cheated.
Forum: http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?s=bd37d9248856543aaf4f58bfbad34ce6&showtopic=305654&st=40

I hope who ever behind this event will get fired so HP could hire me instead. They really did lousy job on the advertisement and if they are in other country, HP would get sued! Anyway, the Compaq and HP brands are tarnised anyway;)
I did envy HP technology, but after this, I do feel HP don't have responsibility to the public. They just cheaters, probably the 'worm' if it is programming.
WHAT THE HECK WITH DOES TINY "TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY" without stating the term and condition in 1st place! I think this law and regulation need to be change due to some unethical usage. If not due to the fact that I was going to present my final year project this Tuesday, I will probably do some police report for the scam. <- Me Procinate :p
Anyway, got to see Siti Nurhaliza singing live in Berjaya Time Square for wanita event. Siti look a little chubby than before (even my brother who just comeback from UK can't recognise her and loudly said "Whose that girl? That not Siti!" Till, I convince him then he take her picture.[Using HP PDA] which is suck anyway because the picture look lousy!! HEAR THIS HP!) Maybe, this due to the fact that she tension with all of gossip with Dato K.
"Hello Dato K, don't HEBOH2 le. We know already le. Tired le dengar" <- Bahasa Pasar. I hope Dato' K hear this ;)

24 June 2006

Personal Diary-Reminder [Kay-N]

Why I'm still here doing this boring thing. I should have gone to my sanctuary! :( But to the fact that this is my responsible, I can't argue. Kay-N you need to finish it!!!!

Anyway, I'm just curious why people still infected by worm which is attach to email by title of "Naked World Cup game set", "Soccer fans killed five teens", "Crazy soccer fans.”??? The W32/Sixem-A worm spreads using a this disguises. Who the heck wanna see the soccer player [n@k8]? :p Maybe gays and girls community. Not for a man. :) Why not just enjoy the soccer instead of this 'additional' non important thing.

Who fight who? [World Cup 16]

Germany vs Sweden
England vs Ecuador
Argentina vs Mexico
Portugal vs Holland
Italy vs Australia
Brazil vs Ghana
Switzerland vs Ukraine
Spain vs France

#Bold are the team I'm expecting to win in this round. Sorry England your team is not as good as others. Other team deserve better on their current performance.

Korea lost the place into top 16 :(

No Asian countries will be in the top 16 in the World Cup 2006. Even though the fact that last night, Korean fight with all their strengths and passions, it didn't stop the Swizz to blast 2 goals (final score was 2-0). Even draw was not enough to secure the Korean place as France blast 'selfish' Togo with 2-0 score. Anyway, last night match was greatly battle between Korean and Swizz. Anyway, on why I nick Togo soccer team as 'SELFISH', due to the fact that they demands their country for a humongous sum of bonus (due to the fact Togo is not as Rich as other country) for their plays in Final Stage of World Cup 2006. No loyal to their country. If any of Malaysian players is going to do like that, I'm voluntarily will kick their @$$ up till they stand and know their country. I just can't stand the attitude of selfish. Sorry to be 'emo' :p.
Anyway, I wish that Germany and Argentina to met in Final. (dunno if this will really happen but I will check World Cup 2006 site). England is not the deserving winner (if the could) but who knows, "The ball is sphere (round)", anything can happen. History showed how Greece win their Euro and play total defense style (no attraction soccer method).
Psst: I tried Zone Alarm Pro and really satisfied with the features. Now I have Multi layers of security on my laptop!. Multiple security wares fast enough to block and recognise the intrusion. :) Now have 3 layers firewall, 2 antivirus, 3 anti spyware, with many online tracking. I was expect it will slowdown my laptop, but I still satisfy on the speed of I'm browsing the web right now.

21 June 2006

[REVIEW:] YahooMessenger8.0 and WindowsMessengerLive8.0

What are the most popular IM right now? :p ICQ le.. ditch both Yahoo Messenger and Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger (particularly the same). Basically ICQ popularity due to the fact that it is the pioneer to IM scene and has many loyal fans. But it is not particularly true in the coming years because there is many source said, YM and WM will be merge or basically work with each other to integrate the contacts. If this true, in next few years you do not need both to contact your friends with different IM but just use one.

Maybe some would say that, there already have IM that integrate all like Trillian. Hmm, I really skeptical a bit on Trillian because it still use the old time features where you cannot have video conferencing with your buddy. Additionally, it really make me bad because last time, I introduce trillian to my brother and the integration havocly send all my brothers contacts to all his buddies including me. Basically, I did know who he is talking to in his IM :D
So if I were to choose one, which one will I choose? Hmm.
Let start with Windows Messenger Live 8.0
no. 1: Can Search Contact
no. 2: Can Search Web
no. 3 [not in the picture]: Can share files but there is statement said, the share person can DELETE the folder in Sharing folder (This basically seperate new folder when you install WM). :( Bad! In bright side, you need to trust your buddies. Basically, sharing is host in your own pc.
Yahoo Messenger 8.0

no. 1: Can Search Buddies

no.2: Can Add Plug in. Many app. is going to be include in future. Good development.

no. 3: Can Search Web.

no.4: Can transfer files up to 1GB in this update.

Anyway, sharing file is host in Yahoo site.

Basically, Yahoo have out do Microsoft in IM by providing plug-in Mozilla style. ;)

So my answer to my previous question, I will use Yahoo Messenger 8.0. But in current time, I use both.

Heck, I wonder how will Microsoft progress with it Vista as we all know Apple will come up with Mac OS Leopard in the same period. The only advantage on Microsoft is the lack of users capability to on attitude to change environment. If this can be change, Microsoft will not monopolize the OS market. But what I really know, in my country, people are starting to switch on Mac and Linux. For me, I like Mac, and will introduce one to my sister soon. But obviously, what I think of having two OS on the same computer is like CONFUSING. Mac OS for creative user, Windows OS for gamers, Linux for power user. Combine both or more is awful. [IMHO]

Download site:

Yahoo Messenger 8.0

Windows Messenger Live 8.0

20 June 2006

Faster Web Surfing

I have to admit that I'm a 'giler' security freak ('cop' by my brother in the head :( ) with habit on download junkies. Can't blame me either because as technology become more advance, the need of security to be advance too. I just upgrade my security by putting another firewall last night :D Anyway, I will not blog about security in this thread, but most of all it will be about surfing the web faster!
It has been many month Google is promoting its Google Web Accelerators. I have tried it, really, it really make my IE surfing habit like super-lightning fast! :O Ha ha ha little exalerate a bit. :) But true. I tried to open website which is really slow, like www.download.com (I thought this site not slow before), but encouraging it is relly slow and I save like 1-2 seconds. Don't believe me? Try it.
" When you use Google Web Accelerator, Google servers automatically receive and log your web requests. Web requests and data sent in encrypted form using an HTTPS connection will not go through Google. It is possible that a URL or other page information sent to Google may itself contain personal information. For information about how some web sites embed personal information in web requests" - Google.
Plus: 1) Accelerate your web browsing
2) I notice that, streaming video quicker. Great!!! :)
Minus: 1) Only For Broadband user
2) Can't be use with safer browsing (https). <- Who cares. I'm not a freaking safety like this because not all site support https.
So, good luck in surfing on fast lane!
Anyway, it grealy utilize my 1Mbps bandwidth. Thats great because I really use my bandwidth for what I pay.
1) To make web surfing faster, know what is you searching for. Obviously if you want to search on specific, type it more specific like "Trajectory Tracking of Robot" then "Robot" itself. Tagging also make life faster. :) but I didn't use one in my blog because I like browsing my site in full mode.

19 June 2006

Britney Spears VS Hyori Lee

Previously, I did post something about Hyori Lee story and at the bottom of the post, I put "Am I right?" So here are both video remix into one. It easier to compare by this remix then actually seeing all both video. :) Additionally, I'm just a lazy boy who stood up to blog. :p

Do Some Thing Get Ya Remix

Credit to Avex for having a time to remix this video.
Anyway, it is a little havoc at the last scene because Britney and Hyori like challenging each other, who is better. No offence Britney, Hyori is sexier than you ;)

Korea vs France 1-1!

Being an Asian, I can't take my back on how I wish to see European soccer acknowledge of Asian Football development. Asian particularly Korean Soccer Team has progress tremendously since the last world cup. To add more shiver on their opponents, Korean supporter chanting of their team energy. "Hae Havin kon"! Am I right? Hmm I really can't pronounce it properly. See for yourself at the last of this scene on how it should be pronounce. See for yourself here! Check for at the very last second where this chanting appear.

Any Korean to help me? ;)

This chanting become stronger each day. I just can't wait someday to hear "Malaysia Boleh". But I feel we need some improvement on the chanting. It just too simple and doesn't sound lively. Don't mind, don't mind. Go Asia!!!

This is the footage of Korean goal!

Psst: The girl in the video is non other than Hyori Lee, Korean Singer. She become more famous due to her song Get Ya which is compared to or plagarist of Do Something by Britney Spears. Later the song is taken out of label. Am I right? :)

18 June 2006

Create Havoc 'Virus' For Job Opportunity

For past few weeks, internet users particularly Yahoo Mail customers were shock by the worm called Yamanner. According to Symantec, "The worm, dubbed "Yamanner," infected a recipient's computer as soon as the toxic e-mail was opened. It then scanned contact lists for additional targets."-(Nasdaq: SYMC)
The virus particularly exploit the vulnerability in JavaScript. Thus, by last week, Microsoft have produce security patch for its Windows XP (the humongous June Update) and other particular apps like Word and Outlook. Then by yesterday, it was reported that the culprit (from Iran) behind this virus have contacted silicon.com (sisters for news.com) proclaiming he is the writer. The objective of the writing on the Yamanner is to advertise his credential programming ability for job opportunity. Source-silicon.com
Weird thought, but there is history once (2004) that Sven Jaschan once a writer of Netsky Virus (The worst damaging virus history) has landed a job with German security company SecurePoint and suddenly become a hero ;). But in case of Yamanner virus, the news is still cautiously investigate weither it is true or not.
"Bad boy create havoc for attention"

My Wishlist [Diary by Kay-N]

This is the list of my wish (what I want?) for next 6 months (July - December 2006):
1) Get a career or if not I will try to start one myself ;). Anybody wanna hire me?
2) Get ready to be independance. I mean fully independent and other people sometimes is depending on me.
3) Get myself a digital camera which I can take beautiful pictures. Target -> Sony DSC T-30 (Black) . (see picture)
4) Learn from my mom, how to cook delicious Hainan Chicken Rice version 'DOCR' ;)
I think thats all the list I need for this moment. I just can't think of new one now.
"You fish for a person, you feed him once. Teach him how to fish, you feed him forever".

17 June 2006

Mission Alpha: Searching for My Kingdom

It has been 3 months now that I have my Google Earth Copy install in my computer and I was excited to see how my neighbourhood is view in satelite view. But to some lack of time, I didn't do much to pursue my vision. So this time around, I plan a mission called mission Alpha: Searching My Kingdom.
The mission overview:
1) Search my home!
2) In an hour.
Yooo.... The globe is huge and KL area alone
I can't the exact landmark that can guide me to this mission. We need to start somewhere thought! So 1st, I 'google'd out for KL most facinating landmark - Petronas Twin Tower (Kuala Lumpur City Centre)! This tak
e me around 10 mins :( Then next landmarking procedure was easy task for me. By 20 mins, a
lot of landmarks there to be seen ;) Hi hi hi.
So where is my 'Kingdom'?
At last, here it is!! Bravo 25 mins :p
To get Google Earth click here!

16 June 2006

internet of future?

Although internet provider in Malaysia is still slow on providing Gigabit lane to consumers, but I can't ignore the fact that the internet is become faster each decade. See for yourself here :)

note: to view, you need flash player plug in.

15 June 2006

I'm happy ;) - Personal Diary [Kay-N]

Sorry to bother. This thread is nothing but to express my feeling. Hello world, I'M HAPPY! 12 am today, I check my exam result and to my surprise, I got better than I expected. Hope this joy everlasting. Till then enjoy this vid from BoA -[Everlasting] :D

BoA biography here!

She is Korean but make fame in Japan & Korea (too).

13 June 2006

Dillema: Upgrade to Vista or Not to upgrade?

It's been a while since Microsoft announced the Vista for next Windows OS (XP replacement) which will be out soon (in the market in January 2007). By last week (7/6/2006), Microsoft takes a step further by introducing Vista beta 2 to the public. You can try it here! and the respond was high as the download sites are full. Even by introducing it in bittorent network (by Windows fans) didn't help much either. Does Vista really appeal to me? ;)
In some way, Yeah! You get the latest product from Microsoft. Very much similar to Mac OS X Tiger which being brag by Apple as the best OS in the market now. Name it, dashboards = gadgets (aka widgets :p), safari = IE7 (tab browsing capable), Windows Life OneCare = Apple don't need one (coz their security features lack vulnerability!) :(, WMP11 = iTunes.... and much more.
Hey wait... isn't that all this already have in the market? Yeah. I even try to Vista-ing my PC without having to try Vista :p Go get your widgets from Yahoo!, WMP11? Try iTunes coz I've been comparing quite sometimes now that iTunes use smaller memory than WMP11 beta. The different is by 20-15MB. I think this is because WMP11 beta try to get internet connection each times for URGE site. This is the only mistake for WMP11 beta. They should put some button to disengage this behaviour of WMP11 :p
Previously in my blog, I publish about Windows Desktop Search, yeah, that is some feature to add for Vista-ing your PC. About Microsoft introduce Windows Life OneCare Security Protection, this issue is debateable whether it is a good idea for OS developer to introduce one. Basically, because of this reason: why consumer need to pays for subscription for security reason when Windows Vista vulnerability occur. It is the job of OS developer to fix and gives better OS to consumer.
Some great features in Vista is its Aero feature although it isn't interest me much due to some reason this is why Vista Premium Ready requirement is 1GB Memory. Woooo.... Thats is the highest spec available in Market right now!!!
(Hello Bill Gates kawanku, takleh lower down sikit ke the requirement tu?)
What really interest me is the feature Windows ReadyBoost which gives memory boost from your Thumb Drive. Hmmm, I'm imagine of using multiple thumb drive to get my memory up to 5GB REALLY (THUMB DRIVE IS MUCH CHEAPER THAN MEMORY (DDRII ram) for laptop) :p just kidding. ha ha ha
Touché as it is.. iMac can run XP now but PC with Vista can't run Mac OS X Tiger? This is due to simple fact that Microsoft want to dominant the OS market which by introducing their customers to OS X will somehow gives chance for comparison. Which 1 will win you think? ;) keep in mind that OS X Leopard is going to release in the same times of Vista. I'm crossing my finger for Leopard to run in the PC as Mac now run in Intel. :p <-Me dreaming loh.
Hmm... back again. Do I really want to upgrade? Mine - all Vista requirements achieve. Maybe I stay for a while to my Vista-ing XP. Maybe in 2008 I'll get my Vista copy. Yeah after all the bug in Vista gone ;)