For past few weeks, internet users particularly Yahoo Mail customers were shock by the worm called Yamanner. According to Symantec, "The worm, dubbed "Yamanner," infected a recipient's computer as soon as the toxic e-mail was opened. It then scanned contact lists for additional targets."-(Nasdaq: SYMC)
The virus particularly exploit the vulnerability in JavaScript. Thus, by last week, Microsoft have produce security patch for its Windows XP (the humongous June Update) and other particular apps like Word and Outlook. Then by yesterday, it was reported that the culprit (from Iran) behind this virus have contacted (sisters for proclaiming he is the writer. The objective of the writing on the Yamanner is to advertise his credential programming ability for job opportunity.
Weird thought, but there is history once (2004) that Sven Jaschan once a writer of Netsky Virus (The worst damaging virus history) has landed a job with German security company SecurePoint and suddenly become a hero ;). But in case of Yamanner virus, the news is still cautiously investigate weither it is true or not.
"Bad boy create havoc for attention"
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