[Buy printer for RM9.99!! or other for RM99.99!!]
Date: 25 June 2006 (Sunday)
Time: 10am-6pm
Venue: Low Yat Plaza Entance
News: by http://www.lowyat.net/v2/ [The 1st to advertise in the web] -They to feel cheated.
Forum: http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?s=bd37d9248856543aaf4f58bfbad34ce6&showtopic=305654&st=40
I hope who ever behind this event will get fired so HP could hire me instead. They really did lousy job on the advertisement and if they are in other country, HP would get sued! Anyway, the Compaq and HP brands are tarnised anyway;)
I did envy HP technology, but after this, I do feel HP don't have responsibility to the public. They just cheaters, probably the 'worm' if it is programming.
WHAT THE HECK WITH DOES TINY "TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY" without stating the term and condition in 1st place! I think this law and regulation need to be change due to some unethical usage. If not due to the fact that I was going to present my final year project this Tuesday, I will probably do some police report for the scam. <- Me Procinate :p
Anyway, got to see Siti Nurhaliza singing live
in Berjaya Time Square for wanita event. Siti look a little chubby than before (even my brother who just comeback from UK can't recognise her and loudly said "Whose that girl? That not Siti!" Till, I convince him then he take her picture.[Using HP PDA] which is suck anyway because the picture look lousy!! HEAR THIS HP!) Maybe, this due to the fact that she tension with all of gossip with Dato K.

"Hello Dato K, don't HEBOH2 le. We know already le. Tired le dengar" <- Bahasa Pasar. I hope Dato' K hear this ;)
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