23 May 2006

e-Protection > continues

It was already known that Malaysia Internet connection has upmost 2MBit/sec while some part of the world is enjoying Gigabits connection. My concent appear after I comparing my bandwidth with fellow in UK which utilies 20% network of 10MBit/sec while I'm here stuck by somewhat less than 1% of 10MBit/sec network utilization. :( hey.. 1% of 10Mbit/sec is 100KBit/sec... It really slow compare to the advertisement (I'm subscribed to 1MBit/sec). Thats only 10% utilization of my network I rent.
As slow not only give me nerve, nowadays computer, on internet connection particularly is vunerable to spam, spyware :p All this make my connection more slower. So I search for best solution to optimize my bandwidth connection. So I come up with:
  • Window Defender (don't download this if you are using pirated version of Windows XP or you will get nagulator on your desktop(!))

+Click link for the review from Cnet ;)

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