It was at 5.10 pm, and there I was sitting and eating popcorn alone in front of big screen (GSC) watching X-Men III - The Last Stand. It was the 1st day screening (of the movie) in Malaysia(!). As a fan of the X-Men myself, my expectation was high on this sequal. In the beginning of the movie, the director, as usual (to previous of X-Men sequels), like to get us back into the past of the targets character. This time, it was the Jean Grey aka Phoenix and 'Arch' Angel. It was ok.
Then, the movie shift into the present, where X-men's' fight against the 'Apocalypse' where Wolvarine calmly smoke his cigar while others fight like hell :p (Cool Wolvarine) -> Cyclop was not there. Just to know that it was in the training room. :p :p :p -1-
In matter of Jean Grey, Cyclop said
"Not everybody heal as fast as you, Logan!" to Wolvarine.
Obviously, the de-motivation of himself lead to his death when he re-met his lover Jean Grey who at the time was taken by her other half, Phoenix, who is controlled by passion and anger (other than attune as Level 5 mutant(!) [higher than Magneto]). Kill by a kiss I would say :p.
-It is sad that we could not see Cyclop perform in the sequel. :(
So, Phoenix alive!!!
Then, it was this part that Mystique was captured by the goverment and introduction of Dr. Henry Mc Coy aka Beast (or Fur Ball - Wolverine teast ;)) as the Secretary of Mutant Affair (?) in Goverment :p It was about the 'healer' of mutant (healer mutagenic serum) which have connenction with father of the Angel (Warren Worthington III), Warren Worthington II (WW2). WW2 discover the serum to de-mutannize his son Angel. During Angel child, he really hate his wing. Everytime his wing start to grow, he will detach it (in the bathroom and full of knives, saw :p) I think, thats the only connection that the director want to show about the Angel! Although, in the end (almost end, he join the X-Men (after Charles Xavier death)), he is saviour of his father :p (I thought, that Angel could be more use in this sequel :p :p
So Charles Xavier dead!!!
His death due to his affection to his students. "Control power, heal you" his last word! This is the part where 1st time Charles and Magneto both treat like 'friends' to get back Phoenix to their side. Sadly Charles was killed by Super-power level 5 Mutant Power, Phoenix.
When, Pyro said that he could kill Prof X,
Magneto say "You are once them, He do much for mutants, his death was a sacrifice for mutants". His last words of his best friend.
So Xavier dead, Cyclop dead!!! Seriously I think that the director wanna cut the sequel once and for all!!! Like the title it self -> The Last Stand!!!
To add more, the Mystique was de-mutanize!!! reveal her naked self :p -> "You are out!!" by Magneto. Later, she betray Magneto by giving the government the correct location of Magneto hiding. (But I think, it was planned as only Multiple-Man was there as Decoy!!)
Oh!! The romance in this sequel are more toward Roque - Ice-Man - Kitty Pride aka Shadow Cat ;) although in the end the spotlight was more toward Wolvarine and Jean Grey (A minute passion that don't last :p). I think in this sequel, Kitty has the most spotlight especially during the fight with Juggernaut to get the 'Leech' first! [This is when everybody laugh!!! see picture]
Expect Ice-Man vs Pyro[!]
Expect Storm vs Callisto[!]
Expect Wolvarine vs Phoenix[!!]
I think my review should end here. ;p as further more will spoilt your viewing. My personal rating of the Movie is 3.25/5.... -> Bias for Kitty [by 'cute' Ellen Page.] :D
Psst: So many mutants / icon to be put into 1 sequel. see http://www.x-menthelaststand.com
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