Yeah, its here. This is new technology develop by Microsoft to replace it slow, outdated search technique. It is call Windows Desktop Search. This utility utilize the benefits of net searching technique which is indexing the whole hard disk drive to make it similar to net indexing! So you will get your search result in an instant. Its true! I get my result in a second (less I think). And it indexing job is done during idle period so you can done your job like usual. After seeing this, I think Microsoft is really really... I mean really serious in making Vista a fuss!!! The only cons about this desktop search is its take alot of memory (up to 200MB on PF usage :p). Other than that, you don't need to worry to find your missplaced document. Oh, it even can search in document and email :D Bravo Microsoft!.

1 comment:
although when review back, Yahoo and google also have their version of desktop search but what new is vista style view the document on this utility.
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