"He who possesses the highest knowledge with respect to one or another genus must be able to express the most certain principles of the relevant subject, so that he, who treats about Beings in so far as they are Beings, should be able to express the most certain principles of all things. This is the philosopher." Aristotle, Metaphysica, Gamma 3, 1005b8-11
06 December 2006
History didn't happen
Tomorrow, one more game will either making a history or not. It's a game between Arsenal and Porto.......I can't wait to watch it and I hope it will be good game.
25 October 2006
Eid Mubarak @ selamat hari raya Aidilfitri
Here, I just want to wish Eid Mubarak......to all muslims. After strugling with your emotion and spiritual for 1 month, now all of you can celebrate Eid Mubarak, the winning day.......I hope you enjoy it with your family, and friends.....
01 October 2006
The future game for gamers
And for me I think it might be bored ......... And I just want to say something: not ALL GAME GIVE BAD EFFECTS TO YOUNGSTER, DUDE.......
10 September 2006
Siri Kitten: Cloudy-a -> Isi hatiku yang berkecamuk

Disclamer: All picture in this article is sole properties of b3ing-m3.blogspot.com. Any republish of the foto need to have permission from us.
Anyway, this story is to show how Adobe Lightroom can transform rookie like me into pro photographer. Do download from Download.com
Reason why Mentor's Protege'.s outrage of Kat sang in Siti Wedding, not relevant.
1) First of all, it is Siti right to invite whom she felt best to sing in her wedding. It is not everybody have the opportunity singing in Siti Wedding although they have experience many years in the Music Industry. I don't feel there is a need to name one. :)
2) Siti is Kat Mentor. As the reason Siti is Kat mentor and she is very busy for her wedding, this is the only way Siti can provide mentoring to Kat. Why those other protege' jealous to Siti- Kat relation? It is obvious they also get mentoring advice from their mentor! Become jealous to Kat just show how un-appreciate of them toward their mentor! Anyway Hazami protege' comment on the issue is good because does not jealous of Kat opportunity.
3) Why we need another "yet-to-be" artists/entertainer whom so jealous on their collegues success and show publicly? Those attitude of SAMPAH don't need to put publicly! Use it to make yourself better.
From tidurdiperahu
07 September 2006
Busy Finishing The Lost Episode [not LOST]
Ku Tlah Jatuh Cinta (Video Clip)
brought by cikokui
Take a look:
Psst: Do watch it. A must have indonesian soap drama which really thirsting your emotions till the end in every episode.
04 September 2006
03 September 2006
30 August 2006
10 Reason why This Year Merdeka is the Lamest [Versi Melayu]
"Versi translasi ke bahasa Melayu:
{1} Perkahwinan terhebat tahun ini - Perkahwinan dalam taman antara Datin Siti Nurhaliza dan Datuk K pada 28 August 2006 lalu.
10 Reason Why This Year Merdeka is the Lamest

This year merdeka [49] is the lamest of all ever happen. Lets check the reason why? (psst: This is solely my opinion)
{1} Wedding of the year - Datin Siti Nurhaliza married to Datuk K on 28th August 2006
{2} Every media kept talking/writing about {1}.
{3} Lack of programme by the theme of Kemerdekaan this year as such of those years. Only by todays, every radio is talking of Kemerdekaan. Those years, the whole month of August was spared with Kemerdekaan.
{4} Datin Siti Nurhaliza did not have time to sing Allahyarham Sudirman song like those years when 31st August. [Miss it very much :(]
{5} Lack of Malaysian citizens pluggin the mini flag on their cars like those years. Although, most of those years, the mini flag was sponsored. :p
{6} Planting flag in house only happen at the end of the month not like those years. [Those years: in the beginning of August, some even put in July]
{7} On the night of Merdeka, Concert is organise solely for citizens to gather in one spot of each states to see the beautiful firework as a sign of another year of independant. But do youngsters care? I myself think, this is the best moment to say "I love you" to your love one :p
{8} Marching is organised on 31st August every year. But I didn't bother to watch it since tenth because you can watch it on TV :p Anyway, being there under the hot sun is a sign of loyalty to the country.
{9} What is the meaning of indepandant to the youngsters? :) I myself can't think of one. But do alert, you can get answers like "Gay Marriage is accepted by Malaysia". Do..... Alert! [Indepandant to youngster: The sign of belonging to the country where the youngsters have their right to say about their views without being bounded by anyone. (but as right by law ;p ) (as per-say on blogging :) )]
What ever the reason of why this Merdeka is so damn lame, it is really about time to say "I love you MALAYSIA" not "I love you honey" when you watching the beautiful firework, k. MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! <- PRESERVE if I can't make it to blog on Merdeka night! {10th reason}
psst: The flag is courtesy of flags.net
Take screenshot in Window Media Player

27 August 2006
One More Night

Its been a while since I blog here. Nothing much change but I did a some work on testing of antivirus applications and the best security setup. Anyway, during my idle time, I want to build a nice background for my computer with theme "We love each other". As I am a fan of Naruto anime, I am in love of Naruto-Hinata fan art. I use this materials to build my background. Thanks guys [Naruto Hinata fan artists].
Take a look.
NarutoxHinata - One More Night
thanks to Lililola and the singer, Cascada
[Using the similar materials]
06 July 2006
The Kitten: Cloudy n Whitey

Cloudy: [I'm cute, don'tcha think? ;)]

Whitey: [What ya looking at! Thats my sister :p]
Hi hi hi so boring, so just post my 2 kittens here loh.. :p [This two cuties was given by my, Tok Tam.] Anyway, this two newbies in the house really need a lot of attentions. Taking the spotlight from me :(. Other than that, 3 months in the house, I can conclude that, Cloudy represent 'venus sign aka girls' have more anaroxia problem.. then Whitey represent 'mars sign aka boys' have more 'obbese'?'' problem.. "Ahh pening, next time I try to feed them separately. Aduh..."

Mee Sabun?
27 June 2006
War against Malware never end
25 June 2006
HP [Malaysia] INVENT false advertisement
[Buy printer for RM9.99!! or other for RM99.99!!]
Date: 25 June 2006 (Sunday)
Time: 10am-6pm
Venue: Low Yat Plaza Entance
News: by http://www.lowyat.net/v2/ [The 1st to advertise in the web] -They to feel cheated.
Forum: http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?s=bd37d9248856543aaf4f58bfbad34ce6&showtopic=305654&st=40

24 June 2006
Personal Diary-Reminder [Kay-N]
Who fight who? [World Cup 16]
England vs Ecuador
Argentina vs Mexico
Portugal vs Holland
Italy vs Australia
Brazil vs Ghana
Switzerland vs Ukraine
Spain vs France
#Bold are the team I'm expecting to win in this round. Sorry England your team is not as good as others. Other team deserve better on their current performance.
Korea lost the place into top 16 :(
21 June 2006
[REVIEW:] YahooMessenger8.0 and WindowsMessengerLive8.0

no. 1: Can Search Buddies
no.2: Can Add Plug in. Many app. is going to be include in future. Good development.
no. 3: Can Search Web.
no.4: Can transfer files up to 1GB in this update.
Anyway, sharing file is host in Yahoo site.
Basically, Yahoo have out do Microsoft in IM by providing plug-in Mozilla style. ;)
So my answer to my previous question, I will use Yahoo Messenger 8.0. But in current time, I use both.
Heck, I wonder how will Microsoft progress with it Vista as we all know Apple will come up with Mac OS Leopard in the same period. The only advantage on Microsoft is the lack of users capability to on attitude to change environment. If this can be change, Microsoft will not monopolize the OS market. But what I really know, in my country, people are starting to switch on Mac and Linux. For me, I like Mac, and will introduce one to my sister soon. But obviously, what I think of having two OS on the same computer is like CONFUSING. Mac OS for creative user, Windows OS for gamers, Linux for power user. Combine both or more is awful. [IMHO]
Download site:
20 June 2006
Faster Web Surfing
19 June 2006
Britney Spears VS Hyori Lee
Do Some Thing Get Ya Remix
Credit to Avex for having a time to remix this video.
Anyway, it is a little havoc at the last scene because Britney and Hyori like challenging each other, who is better. No offence Britney, Hyori is sexier than you ;)
Korea vs France 1-1!
Any Korean to help me? ;)
This chanting become stronger each day. I just can't wait someday to hear "Malaysia Boleh". But I feel we need some improvement on the chanting. It just too simple and doesn't sound lively. Don't mind, don't mind. Go Asia!!!
This is the footage of Korean goal!
Psst: The girl in the video is non other than Hyori Lee, Korean Singer. She become more famous due to her song Get Ya which is compared to or plagarist of Do Something by Britney Spears. Later the song is taken out of label. Am I right? :)
18 June 2006
Create Havoc 'Virus' For Job Opportunity
My Wishlist [Diary by Kay-N]

17 June 2006
Mission Alpha: Searching for My Kingdom

16 June 2006
internet of future?
note: to view, you need flash player plug in.
15 June 2006
I'm happy ;) - Personal Diary [Kay-N]
BoA biography here!
She is Korean but make fame in Japan & Korea (too).13 June 2006
Dillema: Upgrade to Vista or Not to upgrade?
30 May 2006
Replacement of Window Search?

Yeah, its here. This is new technology develop by Microsoft to replace it slow, outdated search technique. It is call Windows Desktop Search. This utility utilize the benefits of net searching technique which is indexing the whole hard disk drive to make it similar to net indexing! So you will get your search result in an instant. Its true! I get my result in a second (less I think). And it indexing job is done during idle period so you can done your job like usual. After seeing this, I think Microsoft is really really... I mean really serious in making Vista a fuss!!! The only cons about this desktop search is its take alot of memory (up to 200MB on PF usage :p). Other than that, you don't need to worry to find your missplaced document. Oh, it even can search in document and email :D Bravo Microsoft!.

25 May 2006
X-Men III - The Last Stand >Personal Review<

It was at 5.10 pm, and there I was sitting and eating popcorn alone in front of big screen (GSC) watching X-Men III - The Last Stand. It was the 1st day screening (of the movie) in Malaysia(!). As a fan of the X-Men myself, my expectation was high on this sequal. In the beginning of the movie, the director, as usual (to previous of X-Men sequels), like to get us back into the past of the targets character. This time, it was the Jean Grey aka Phoenix and 'Arch' Angel. It was ok.
Then, the movie shift into the present, where X-men's' fight against the 'Apocalypse' where Wolvarine calmly smoke his cigar while others fight like hell :p (Cool Wolvarine) -> Cyclop was not there. Just to know that it was in the training room. :p :p :p -1-
In matter of Jean Grey, Cyclop said
"Not everybody heal as fast as you, Logan!" to Wolvarine.
Obviously, the de-motivation of himself lead to his death when he re-met his lover Jean Grey who at the time was taken by her other half, Phoenix, who is controlled by passion and anger (other than attune as Level 5 mutant(!) [higher than Magneto]). Kill by a kiss I would say :p.
-It is sad that we could not see Cyclop perform in the sequel. :(
So, Phoenix alive!!!
Then, it was this part that Mystique was captured by the goverment and introduction of Dr. Henry Mc Coy aka Beast (or Fur Ball - Wolverine teast ;)) as the Secretary of Mutant Affair (?) in Goverment :p It was about the 'healer' of mutant (healer mutagenic serum) which have connenction with father of the Angel (Warren Worthington III), Warren Worthington II (WW2). WW2 discover the serum to de-mutannize his son Angel. During Angel child, he really hate his wing. Everytime his wing start to grow, he will detach it (in the bathroom and full of knives, saw :p) I think, thats the only connection that the director want to show about the Angel! Although, in the end (almost end, he join the X-Men (after Charles Xavier death)), he is saviour of his father :p (I thought, that Angel could be more use in this sequel :p :p
So Charles Xavier dead!!!
His death due to his affection to his students. "Control power, heal you" his last word! This is the part where 1st time Charles and Magneto both treat like 'friends' to get back Phoenix to their side. Sadly Charles was killed by Super-power level 5 Mutant Power, Phoenix.
When, Pyro said that he could kill Prof X,
Magneto say "You are once them, He do much for mutants, his death was a sacrifice for mutants". His last words of his best friend.
So Xavier dead, Cyclop dead!!! Seriously I think that the director wanna cut the sequel once and for all!!! Like the title it self -> The Last Stand!!!
To add more, the Mystique was de-mutanize!!! reveal her naked self :p -> "You are out!!" by Magneto. Later, she betray Magneto by giving the government the correct location of Magneto hiding. (But I think, it was planned as only Multiple-Man was there as Decoy!!)
Oh!! The romance in this sequel are more toward Roque - Ice-Man - Kitty Pride aka Shadow Cat ;) although in the end the spotlight was more toward Wolvarine and Jean Grey (A minute passion that don't last :p). I think in this sequel, Kitty has the most spotlight especially during the fight with Juggernaut to get the 'Leech' first! [This is when everybody laugh!!! see picture]
Expect Ice-Man vs Pyro[!]
Expect Storm vs Callisto[!]
Expect Wolvarine vs Phoenix[!!]
I think my review should end here. ;p as further more will spoilt your viewing. My personal rating of the Movie is 3.25/5.... -> Bias for Kitty [by 'cute' Ellen Page.] :D
Psst: So many mutants / icon to be put into 1 sequel. see http://www.x-menthelaststand.com
"Zjaginsev's" variation - Na3!?

Khairul Nazmi Zainol Ariffin - Ang Chin Tek [B20]MASUM 2006 UITM, 18.05.2006[,User]
1.e4 c5 2.Na3!? d6 3.Nf3 a6 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 e6 6.Be2 Be7 7.0-0 Nbd7 8.Bf4 e5 9.Bg5 0-0 10.Nh4?! Premature attacking move. 10...h6 11.Bxf6 Bxf6 12.Nf5 Nb6 13.Nc4 Bxf5 14.exf5 d5 15.Ne3 d4 16.Ng4 dxc3 17.Nxf6+ gxf6? Positional Blunder[17...Qxf6 18.bxc3 18...Qxf5-/+ ]18.bxc3 Nd5 19.Qb3? Nf4 20.Qc2 b5 21.g3 Nh3+? 22.Kg2 Ng5 23.h4 Qd5+ 24.f3 Nh7 25.Qd2 Kg7 26.Rad1 Rad8 27.Rg1 Rg8 28.Kh2 Nf8 29.Rg2 Kh7 30.Rdg1 c4 31.g4 cxd3 32.Bd1 Qd6 33.Kh3 Qe7 34.Qe3 Rd6 35.Qe4 Qd8 36.g5 hxg5 37.Bb3 Rg7 38.hxg5 Kh8 39.g6 fxg6 40.fxg6 Nxg6 41.Rxg6 Qd7+ 42.Kg3 Rxg6+ 43.Qxg6 Qh7 44.Qe8+ [44.Rh1 44...Rd7 (44...Qxh1 45...Rxh7 46.Qg8# )] 44...Kg7 45.Kf2+ Kh6 46.Qf8+ 1-0
2. Na3!? in sicilian is interesting new idea in Sicilian development promote by GM Zjaginsev. It is not just chess skill is measure but obviously, player's psychology preparation is test here.
Na3!? can be tranposed to Alapin Variation later but black development on queenside is put on hold for a moment due to Na3. Until this 2.Na3!? is taken seriously, I think it is worth for surprise weapon for those really don't like sicilian as white. Hey, GM Ponomariov and GM Khalifman were victims to this system while GM Zjaginsev never lose in this system (till now)!! :D IT IS SOUND!!

23 May 2006
e-Protection > continues
- Window Defender (don't download this if you are using pirated version of Windows XP or you will get nagulator on your desktop(!))
+Click link for the review from Cnet ;)
01 May 2006
Arsenal Vs Barcelona
23 April 2006
Chess: Center Counter 'Patzer' Variation

Self Reminder - eProtection
"Hey you. Don't cheat!!! Please play fair." , said me alone. :p
Thank god my laptop armoured with up to date antivirus definition, that I won him without worrying my computer safety (he lost the game in under 20 moves !! :D ).
So guys out there, whether, you playing online games, streaming movies/ radio or just surfing, note that the e-world is not that save! Get yourself a good antivirus to be armoured with or be burned (your $$$$$) repairing your precious gadget ;)
Note and Reminder:
1) You can get free trial versions (some up to 1 year!) -> here
2) Update your OS (Windows XP, Mac OS, Linux, etc.) regularly
3) Get a tool to detect spyware r any other malicious ware.